So May 4th weekend marked the culmination of many things. Flat Fifth was playing in Halifax, The weather was crap, climbing was sketch here, and Dottie had the weekend off. Sure as shooting I was going.
Blasting down after work and eliminating my small margin of error by missing the Truro turnoff, I arrived at Stayners Warf with only minutes to spare. Fortunately I scored a choice seat, which I defended from all comers. The band played through most of their repitoire, launching with the seminal instrumental "Alfalfa Honey". Aside from this band's general toe-tapping-piano-kick-assitude, the subtle yet highly engageing base and fiddle stole the show, finessed by the gnarled hands of George "I thought she had it" Barkhouse and the confident stylings of Eilidh Campbell respectively.
I must admit that Eilidh is perhaps the thing that pushes this band over the top for me. Skilled, worldly musician aside, She has to be one of the most beautiful artists I've ever seen. Oh, and she's Scottish. That's me down for the count.
Other tunes of note were the resplendent Beatles cover, and Jeff Coates' "Zig Zaggin", which was as always a crowd pleaser. Look forward to good things from this band, and if you get the chance, go check em out.
The rest of the weekend was not to be left out. After the Hali Market (amazing), Attempts were made to find Sorrow's End, which ended in crushing defeat, as the guidebook was useless. Yoga was substituted, which ended only in crushing. (Im a little hooked though).
The day was capped by sushi, hilarious Anti-hero philandering and a horrible movie.
Sunday saw some sweet Steve-o-Reno's for Egg-o-Renos (a Halifax must). And a successful day into The Eagle's nest for climbing. NS is a hole for climbing by the way.
Hugs ended the day, and I was off home to plot my climbing for the next weekend. Other worthy mentions include Courtney Smith, who added even more comic relief, and is truely just one of those people who light up your day. An eyebrow is worth 10,000 words.
Dude, you should have bouldered ;-)
That word shall not appear in my blog.
How's tricks in the Gobi?
Dusty, Cold.. I try not to bring up the "B" word again
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