Sunday, April 15, 2007

Oh, it's good to be busy.

All right! Thats more like it. Busy weekend in Freddy. Indie show at the Capital on Saturday night was a good time, props to fellow facebook addict for the invite. Turns out people still get as crazy at the Tannery as they did two weeks ago. Saw a suprising ammount of people that I hadn't seen in years, and suprise suprise; a bunch of them are getting married. I tell ya, it's a plague on society. But Kudos kids, and all the best.
So after sweet evening I racked up and headed out to the rock for the first time. It was terrible. Water water everywhere, and not a dry route to be found. Trace and I headed up to Sunnyside and put down two routes that were only slightly damp, but other than that it was a nice walk. Feels good to be out again, but lots of work needs to be done if Im hitting the gunks in two weeks.
Pray for sun folks!
Also, safe returns for Stef, as he heads off to the orient for another stint in the Gobe. Safe trip dude, We'll save some almondine for ya!

1 comment:

Mathieu and Stacey said...

Mat don't worry the weather here is horrid, went climbing yesterday at Grassi Lakes and was treated to an afternoon of snow, sun, wind, +9, -5 temps all in the span of 5 minutes. Feels good to be back on the rock. When are you coming around these parts for some western tradventures...